
Learn why customers trust Two Technologies products and solutions

"Our machines are rugged and can often be used in rough conditions, like in labs overseas in India with lots of humidity and debris. We are happy that your [HV Series] terminals have also proven to be reliable and rugged. We are happy with the product and so are our customers.”

– Kellie LaRochelle, CEO, Imagene Technology Inc.

". the XF1R2 device is the best one piece solution I have ever deployed.”

– Oswaldo Tosado, CAPP, Enforcement Manager, Allentown Parking Authority

"ATC has used the 80 Series hand held terminal for many years and has found it to be both reliable and robust in workshop and field environments.”

– Bob Lemon, Product Manager – Controllers, ATC

"My first encounter with Two Technologies products goes back to the days of Comdex in Las Vegas prior to 2000 year. Fast forward to 2016, that is when we deployed the all-in-one N5 series and years later the Z1 upgrade. During this period, I have come to know the Two Technologies team and their passion and commitment to produce the best single-device solution in the industry. With the introduction of the latest XF1R2 model, I must say “the team hit it out of the ball park.”

After 30 years in the business and having deployed many products and devices, I find the XF1R2 to be the best and the only one piece solution I would consider deploying. The design and engineering teams listened to the feedback, suggestions and experiences learned from the prior models and came up with an ingenious approach to deliver a versatile, full-featured, and problem-free solutions.

The most important design shift is the modular design which provides the ability to replace any part at the local level and avoid shipping hardware for repair. We simply keep spare parts on hand and quickly replace and return units back to our customers. What used to take weeks, now takes days. Other benefits of the new design is the ability to access and replace the smartphone when needed. Past limitations with older models have also been removed by leveraging Bluetooth connections to the printer while the device is charging. This is a major improvement as it extends the time a device can be used. This helpful for long or multi-shift operations.

Providing customers with a reliable enforcement solution and support starts with a high-quality product. In Turbo Data’s case, the XF1R2 is that product. Besides the new hardware features and design benefits, the 2T software team has also introduced a simpler way to maintain and deploy firmware updates. Coupled with our remote support tools, we can accomplish this without requiring the hardware to be present. To top this, the team also introduced an updated diagnostics and service monitoring tools to assist in troubleshooting.

With hundreds of units deployed to law enforcement customers demanding reliability and flexibility, Turbo Data launched an upgrade project over a year ago. The objective was to replace all units with the latest XF model. I am happy share that this project has been successfully completed. As a result, support calls have been drastically reduced, our support team has better tools and options to improve response time, our customers are more productive and happier with the faster turn-around when repairs are needed.

Two Technologies has delivered on their promise to offer the best all-in-one mobile device. We have seen and experienced all of the benefits the XF unit brings. Turbo Data is committed to providing top quality products and services. Two Technologies and the XF unit makes it possible.

Did I mention that they have a truly knowledgeable and engaging sales team?""

– Elie Sleiman, Vice President & Chief Information Officer at Turbo Data Systems

"We really like that our rugged PDS unit can be used outside in cold winter weather. We use the terminal to control our telescope mounts as an alternative to using a PC. ”

– Marj Christen, Astro-Physics